4 Tips To Become More Attractive To Women

Man with white t shirt

The art of seduction is well-known, but unusually difficult to master. Having good natural physical qualities isn’t everything. Sexual attraction isn’t about learning one secret or habit. It is a lifestyle change.

Becoming a massively attractive male isn’t about body count or being an outgoing person. Attraction is subjective, with a few universal principles to follow.

The reason there is no definitive way to make a man attractive to all women, is because not all women are going to be attracted to him… ever.

Non-Neediness Is Needed

Two happy people on show

The first rule to remember is directly in regard to your attitude and character. Don’t be needy. Recognize that rejection is a sign of incompatibility. When men realize that there are many fish in the sea, and that rejection isn’t fatal. Move on.

According to Diane Sollee (Founder & Director of Coalition for Marriage, Family & Couples Education), every couple and every suiter is going to have some kind of incompatibility. The difference between happiness and divorce is how you deal with those differences.

“There is no such thing as a compatible couple. All couples disagree about the same things: money, sex, kids, time. So, it’s really about how you manage your differences…”

A Well Groomed Man

Groom yourself or be groomed. When women have been interviewed about the physical turn-offs that they get from men, one of the first things they don’t like is un-groomed body hair.

Just to clear the water, a study conducted indicate that most women like men’s body hair, but they primarily like it when it has been groomed.

The same applies for your head hair length and beard. Some cultures in the world put a certain ascetic or attractive value on un-groomed hair, but Western culture (especially in the United States) values groomed hair, no matter where it is)

Specificity Brings About The Desired Result

list being written

Know what you want in life. Be specific. There is a fascinating story on the web about a man who came to a shocking realization about why women weren’t loyal or attracted to him. At first he thought it was because of his weight, but he certainly wasn’t obese.

His weight wasn’t the issue, he realized that it had everything to do with the conviction he held about his life. His purpose, his interests, his lifestyle, and how he carried himself.

He knew the kind of person he was looking for and the kind of life he wanted. His confidence was contagious and not overbearing. Women find this incredibly attractive!

Honesty & Vulnerability

man on the phone greyscale

Remember how the first tip was to be comfortable with rejection? Well, this ties into that. Learn to honestly communicate and be vulnerable.

If you are comfortable with rejection, then your honesty and vulnerability will be polarizing. You don’t want someone who doesn’t really like you or wouldn’t be happy being with you.

If you are just trying to get laid, then you don’t really even need to be reading this. The sheer number of posts online discussing how promiscuity is looked down on in Western culture cannot be stressed enough.

People who sleep with people they just met, and have not real desire to stay with, have low standards.

If you are with someone who legitimately likes you and you discuss the important things about yourselves, your chances to find your “soulmate” go up drastically. That’s because they are either going to love your personality and honesty, or they are not.You are want to be “MASSIVELY” attractive, not just barely.

The Inquisitr


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