Donald Trump Really Thinks He’ll Be Reinstated As President, Mike Lindell Confirms

Former President Donald Trump holds a press conference.

New York Times journalist Maggie Haberman reported last month that former President Donald Trumpthinks he will be reinstated as commander-in-chief by the end of the year.

Trump himself has hintedat the possibility, releasing several cryptic statements. For instance, the Republican recently said he will be back in "2024 or before."

My Pillow CEO Mike Lindell, a close ally of Trump’s, confirmed in a new interview that the former president indeed believes he will be back in the White House at some point in the near future.

Here’s What Lindell Said

Speaking on conspiracy theorist Alex Jones’ show, Lindell said that Trump feels "very positive" about the 2020 election being overturned.

"Mike, when you talk to Trump — and he’s come out and said I may be reinstated, evidence is coming out — What is he saying? Does he seem positive or where is Trump in all this?" Jones asked, per Raw Story.

"He’s very positive because he sees other things happening in other fronts like, you know, Arizona, that audit coming out, all the stuff they’re finding in Georgia. We have new audits starting in Pennsylvania, Wisconsin."

‘This Is All Going To Come Crumbling Down’

My Pillow CEO Mike Lindell cheers as former President Donald Trump delivers a speech.

Though there is no mechanism in the Constitution that would allow the courts to overturn the results of a presidential election, Lindell believes ongoing election audits will show Biden did not actually win the race.

"This is all going to come crumbling down like dominoes," Lindell said, adding that Trump is "getting validated for everything he said in November, December — of course this election was stolen. So he’s just getting validated and proven right."

The My Pillow CEO stressed that Trump believes "there’s not going to be a 2022 or a 2024" election unless the 2020 race is overturned.

Lindell’s Conspiracy Theories

An ardent Trump supported, Lindell is infamous for spreading conspiracy theories.

Per Media Matters, Lindell has released a series of documentaries he claims prove the 2020 presidential election was rife with widespread fraud and irregularities.

The business magnate also believes in the QAnon conspiracy theory and has repeatedly argued against coronavirus vaccines, calling them "the mark of the beast." He maintains that Trump will be reinstated as president soon.

Lindell’s company is a major sponsor of several far-right media outlets and financially supports Jones’ InfoWars.

Trump 2024

Though Trump apparently thinks he will be reinstated as president, he has repeatedly floated launching a comeback White House bid in 2024.

As reported by Politico, a recent nationwide poll of Republican voters commissioned by veteran GOP pollster Tony Fabrizio found that Trump would easily win half of the vote in a crowded Republican primary.

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis came in second in Fabrizio’s poll, with 19 percent support, while all other candidates — including former Vice President Mike Pence — were in single digits.

The Inquisitr


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