Donald Trump Slams Jan 6 Committee For Targeting His Adult Children

After failing to get Republican politicians to cooperate, the congressional committee tasked with investigating the January 6 attacks on the United States Capitol has shifted its attention to members of former President Donald Trump‘s family.

The bipartisan committee is seeking records from Ivanka Trump, Eric Trump, and Donald Trump Jr., and wants each of them to testify.

All three had prominent roles in the White House. Ivanka was a counselor to her father, while Don Jr. and Eric served as outside advisers.

Trump Responds

In a new interview with The Washington Examiner, Trump slammed the committee for going after his adult children.

"It’s a very unfair situation for my children. Very, very unfair," the former president stressed, describing members of the bipartisan panel as "vicious."

"They are using whatever powers they have. They couldn’t care less. They are vicious people," he said.

Seven Democrats and just two Republicans, Reps. Liz Cheney of Wyoming and Adam Kinzinger of Illinois, are on the committee, which is chaired by Mississippi Rep. Bennie Thompson.

Protecting Biden

Trump suggested that the committee is intensifying its investigations into the January 6 riots and targeting his children in order to distract the public from Democratic President Joe Biden‘s failures.

"It’s a disgrace, what’s going on. They’re using these things to try and get people’s minds off how incompetently our country is being run. And they don’t care. They’ll go after children," Trump said.

The Republican added that his children did a "great job" at the White House.

"You know Ivanka very well, and you know the quality of her. For them to have to go through all this stuff is a disgrace," he said.

NY Investigations

New York Attorney General Letitia James is also investigating Trump, and has been zeroing in on his business dealings in that state.

Speaking with The Washington Examiner, Trump slammed James as biased and dismissed the investigations into his alleged wrongdoings as politically-driven.

"She campaigned on a whole issue of ‘I’ll get Trump. I’ll get Trump.’ And that’s all it was," he said, adding that these probes are setting up a "very bad precedent."

"It’s a very bad precedent because it can happen the other way also," the former commander-in-chief said, suggesting that Biden’s son Hunter Biden might be investigated once Republicans take Congress.

Sending Don Jr. To Prison

Trump would rather see Don Jr. imprisoned than Ivanka, according to his former lawyer and fixer Michael Cohen.

"You may recall that there was the district attorney’s case here for Trump Soho where it was either Don or Ivanka was in very big trouble as a result of lying about the number of units that had been sold," Cohen said in a recent interview with MSNBC.

"And Donald said it to me, I mean I wouldn’t say it if it wasn’t said directly to me, he goes ‘if one or the other has to go to prison, make sure that it’s Don because Don would be able to handle it,’" he added, per The Independent.

The Inquisitr


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