Donald Trump Was At Death’s Door During Coronavirus Bout, Report Says

A Thursday report from The Washington Post outlines a bombshell excerpt from the book, Nightmare Scenario: Inside the Trump Administration’s Response to the Pandemic That Changed History, which sheds light on Donald Trump‘s battle with coronavirus.

According to the excerpt, Trump’s experience with coronavirus left him close to death.

Notably, the book claims that Trump’s blood oxygen level dipped below 90 percent. 

Once below this critical threshold, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends the immediate use of oxygen therapy, which provides oxygen-starved blood with the amount necessary to breathe.

Doctors Put Trump On A Cocktail Of Medication

The book noted that doctors typically work cautiously with medications and treatments to gauge each patient’s response. 

In response to Trump’s dire condition, doctors allegedly threw this procedure aside.

“But Trump’s doctors threw everything they could at the virus all at once. His condition appeared to stabilize somewhat as the day wore on, but his doctors, still fearing he might need to go on a ventilator, decided to move him to the hospital. It was too risky at that point to stay at the White House.”

Officials Feared Trump Would Die

Donald Trump speaks at an event.

At least two Trump administration aides who were briefed on the then-president’s condition claimed that he was “gravely ill,” per The Washington Post.

The outlet claimed that these officials feared Trump would die while being treated at Walter Reed Army Medical Center.

Ultimately, Trump’s condition improved, and he recovered from his purported brush with death.

“One of the people familiar with Trump’s medical information was convinced the monoclonal antibodies were responsible for the president’s quick recovery,” The Washington Post reported.

Still, the exact cause of Trump’s recovery remains unknown.

Trump’s Condition Was Kept Secret

Per The Washington Post excerpt, Trump’s condition was kept secret even from White House officials.

“It was unclear even to Trump’s closest aides just how sick he was. Was he mildly ill, as he and Conley were saying, or was he sicker than they all knew?” the book claims.

At one point, Sean Conley, the White House physician, was spotted running from his office looking panicked. Not long after this incident, aides were informed that Trump would not be attending a White House call.

Trump’s Death Was Predicted

Amid Trump’s battle with coronavirus, many predicted his death or suggested that it was likely.

As reported by Raw Story, Dr. Ezekiel Emanuel appeared on MSNBC’s The Rachel Maddow Show and claimed that the real estate mogul faced a significant chance of death

“First of all, to have the most powerful man in the world, the leader of the free world, our president, with somewhere between a 5 percent and 11 [or] 12 percent risk of dying, I don’t think that’s so trivial — that’s pretty substantial risk of dying in the next few weeks.”

The Inquisitr


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