How Athletes Recover From Injuries So Fast

 CJ mccollum

Injuries are commonplace in every sport. Whether it is American Football, Soccer, Baseball, or even just professional running, athletes are often injured.

This can be from other athletes or it could just be from someone overexerting themselves. There are many reasons and ways that athletes get injured.

A perfect example of an athlete getting injured would be professional NBA player CJ McCollum. After suffering a mishap maneuvering on the court, it was determined that he had experienced a hairline fracture in his foot! He has spent over a year recovering from that broken foot.

Don’t Wait!

However, it should be noted that McCollum was cleared to continue practice just after a year, and he is anticipated to start competing again within weeks potentially.

So how did this athlete heal with such a short period to recover from a broken foot? (Especially since NBA players rely so heavily on their legs)

Because of a few rules of thumb that athletes follow!

The most general rule of thumb is that the sooner an injury is treated, the sooner it will be healed. Like McCollum, he was quickly treated the moment he was injured.


light bulb

Another method of recover that athletes use includes “transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation.” Yep, they use electricity to lessen the pain during the healing process. (Especially useful if they don’t want to use painkillers)

This method is usually implemented with a “TENS machine.”

It has proven value and is regularly implemented for athletes.Ironically, the machine costs less than $ 100 dollars in some cases, with several of the entry-level machines receiving critical acclaim for years.

(It is important to appropriately learn how to use the machine and refer to the manuals included)

Physical Therapy Is A Must

Physical therapy session

Depending on the injury, physical therapy can start immediately. Physicians will develop a recovery plan that can be used to facilitate a faster rate of recovery.

This is a complicated process, however, since not everything is going to help it heal. Some exercises will only aggravate the injury, so prior knowledge of property form and frequency is incredibly valuable for athletes. This is why many will hire a recovery trainer of physician.

Sometimes the best course of action, however, is not to do anything but rest at first. Especially if a surgery is required before physical therapy can begin.

Long Rest Periods

Woman resting

Speaking of rest, one of the biggest mistakes that athletes make is not taking enough rest. They try to get back into sports without getting a green light from a medical professional. They assume that because they are feeling better, they can return to performing like normal, but this is simply not true.

There is no point in resting if another injury is just going to bring you back to the bench again. Resting is about having full functionality and flexibility. If that isn’t achieved, there are usually repercussions.

The Inquisitr


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