Joe Rogan Slams Justin Trudeau As ‘Creepy F*cking Dictator’

During a recent episode of his podcast, comedian Joe Rogan slammed Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau as a "creepy f*cking dictator."

Rogan made the remark while discussing Trudeau's attempts to crack down on the Freedom Convoy protests, which were organized by truckers in response to Canada imposing a coronavirus vaccine mandate.

Here's What Rogan Said

Speaking with Concordia University professor Gad Saad, Rogan explained how he used to admire Canada's system, with the government providing universal healthcare and cheaper education than the United States.

This "seemed like a great system" that made Canadians "friendlier" than Americans, Rogan said, per Newsweek.

But witnessing Trudeau's behavior made Rogan change his mind, he explained.

"But then, when you have a creepy f*cking dictator for a prime minister, that's what [Trudeau] is… The way he behaves, the way he behaved during this thing, the disingenuous way that he communicated, it freaked me out, because I never thought that guy was like that."Rogan's Problem With Trudeau

Rogan told Saad he used to respect Trudeau and thought of him as a "handsome fella with a good vocabulary."

"Before he really leaned into the woke stuff, I thought he was a kind, sensitive guy, and I thought that's probably a good disposition to be a leader," the podcast host explained.

"But just the way he labeled those truckers as racist for no reason, the people that were protesting against mandates, he decided that they were misogynists and racists," he continued.

What Trudeau Said About Protesters

According to Rogan, Trudeau "cast a pejorative label" on the truckers without any evidence whatsoever, just so he could crack down on what were peaceful protests.

According to Newsweek, Rogan was most likely referring to remarks Trudeau made on January 31 — on that day, the Canadian prime minister condemned Nazi-themed imagery that was allegedly embraced by some of the protesters.

"Freedom of expression, assembly and association are cornerstones of democracy, but Nazi symbolism, racist imagery and desecration of war memorials are not," he said at the time.

The Freedom Convoy protests were broken up by police by the end of February. This resulted in 191 arrests.

How Popular Is Justin Trudeau?

As reported by The Winnipeg Free Press, a recent poll from Abacus Data found that Trudeau's popularity is continuing to decline.

In the survey, 45 percent of respondents said they view the prime minister negatively, while 36 percent said they view him positively.

Concerningly for Trudeau, just 76 percent of liberals said they hold a favorable view of him.

The Liberal Party of Canada and the Conservative Party of Canada were statistically tied in the poll.

The Inquisitr


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