Poll: Voters Disapprove Of Joe Biden’s Performance On Immigration, Border Security 

According to a new poll from Fox News released Sunday,  Americans are concerned about illegal immigration and border security under President Joe Biden.

Only 15 percent of respondents in the poll said border security is better now than it was in June 2018 and 33 percent said it’s the same. 

Forty six percent said border security is worse under Biden than Trump.

Fifty two percent said they disapprove of Biden’s performance on immigration, while 34 percent said they approve.

As for border security, 51 percent said they disapprove of Biden’s performance, while 35 percent said the opposite.

Illegal Immigration

Both Republicans and Democrats seem to be concerned about what’s happening at the U.S.-Mexico border, albeit for very different reasons.

Eighty six percent of Republicans said they are more concerned about illegal immigration than about treatment of migrants at the southern border.

 Conversely, 77 percent of Democrats said they were concerned about treatment of migrants, while 51 percent expressed concern over immigration.

Overall, two-thirds of respondents said they are very or extremely concerned about illegal immigration and the treatment of detainees at the border.

Republicans Overwhelmingly Disapprove Of Biden

Republicans overwhelmingly disapprove of Biden’s performance on border security and immigration.

Seventy five percent of them said border security is worse than in June 2018.

Democrats approve of Biden’s performance in this regard, but he still didn’t get high marks. 

Just 64 percent of Democratic respondents said they approve of the president’s performance when it comes to immigration and border security and 20 percent had no opinion.

Overall, most voters seem to believe Biden is responsible for the situation at the border, according to the survey.

Other Issues

The poll found that voters are more concerned about other issues than immigration. 

Seventy eight percent said they are concerned about the economy, 74 percent expressed concern over gun laws, 73 percent said they are concerned about health care.

Biden’s marks were not spectacular on health care, with 48 percent approving his performance and 37 percent disapproving. 

Similarly, 42 percent said they approve of Biden’s performance when it comes to foreign policy, while 41 percent disagreed.

The president received high marks for his handling of the coronavirus pandemic, with 58 percent approving of the job he has done. 

2022 Midterms

As reported by Politico, Republicans decided on day one to attack Biden and other Democrats for reversing former President Donald Trump’s immigration policies. The attacks are expected to continue until at least the 2022 midterms.

“It’s going to be a massive issue … in the midterms. Biden clearly made a number of deals with progressives in his party but progressives in his party don’t necessarily represent the swing voters,” Trump adviser Jason Miller told Politico.

Though Americans seem concerned about illegal immigration, Republican attacks have failed to put a dent in Biden’s overall approval rating

The Inquisitr


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