Wikipedia Co-Founder Says Site Has Been Taken Over By Left-Wing Editors

An image of Wikipedia.

Larry Sanger, one of the co-founders of Wikipedia, believes that the website has taken a turn after falling into the hands of left-wing editors pushing a biased agenda.

As reported by Unherd, Sanger spoke to Freddie Sayers about the website’s purported bias.

"You can’t cite the Daily Mail at all. You can’t cite Fox News on socio-political issues either. It’s banned. So what does that mean? It means that if a controversy does not appear in the mainstream centre-Left media, then it’s not going to appear on Wikipedia."

Sanger Said The Goal Of Neutrality Was Abandoned

According to Sanger, Wikipedia was not intended to be biased when it was first created.

The co-founder claimed that the project he created with Jimmy Wales was intended to be a neutral source of information.

Despite the original goals of the website, Sanger claims that the project has followed a trajectory that has taken it far away from its initial core values.

"There’s a global enforcement of a certain point of view, which is amazing to me amazing to a libertarian, or a liberty-loving conservative."

Sanger Claimed Lots Of Money Is Behind The Bias

A person holds American money.

During his interview, Sanger suggested that Wikipedia’s bias is far from an accident.

The businessman claimed that there is a significant amount of money behind the effort to shift the political bias of Wikipedia.

"There are companies like Wiki PR, where paid writers and editors will go in and change articles."

Sanger argued that Wikipedia’s widespread influence has created competition for control over its content.

"Wikipedia is known now by everyone to have a lot of influence in the world. So there’s a very big, nasty, complex game being played behind the scenes to make the article say what somebody wants them to say."

Wikipedia Allegedly Favors Joe Biden

Sanger touched on one example of Wikipedia’s purported bias in the form of an article on President Joe Biden, The Daily Mail reported.

The Wikipedia co-founder noted that the article did not include damaging information on the president’s son, Hunter Biden.

Notably, no information was included on Biden’s time as director on the board of the Ukrainian energy firm Burisma, during which he received $ 600,000 per year.

As The Inquisitr reported, Hunter Biden is currently the focus of a federal probe into his foreign business dealings.

Elon Musk Poked Fun Of Wikipedia’s Accuracy

The accuracy of Wikipedia has received criticism from some high-profile figures.

Per The Inquisitr, billionaire Elon Musk, the founder of SpaceX, previously took aim at his Wikipedia page, which he suggested was inaccurate.

"Just looked at my wiki for 1st time in years. It’s insane! Btw, can someone please delete ‘investor’. I do basically zero investing."

Musk called the page a "war zone with a zillion edits" and suggested that it was a "fictionalized version of reality," echoing common criticisms of the crowd-sourced website.

The Inquisitr


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